HealtheSteps® Lifestyle Counseling for Prevention of Chronic Disease
Welcome to our Continuing Professional Development (CPD) Registration page! Below you will find details about the learning objectives, cost, description of activities, and registration form. Upon completion and submission of the registration form you will be sent payment details to finish enrolment. This activity has been accredited for 12 Mainpro+ credits by UBC CPD.
HealtheSteps® CPD Learning Objectives
Provide primary health care providers with evidence-based and patient-centred tools and strategies to communicate about and promote health behaviour change with patients to prevent chronic disease
Demonstrate how to integrate team-based preventative programs, such as HealtheSteps®, within current clinic workflows to improve patient care.
Prioritize communications about chronic disease prevention within clinical encounters with patients.
Demonstrate patient-centred approaches to promoting health behaviour change grounded in principles of Co-Active Coaching
Learn about new and innovative approaches to promoting health behaviour changes within various population groups across Canada through keynote sessions with experts in health behaviour change, exercise, nutrition, and preventative care.
HealtheSteps® CPD Activities
Completion of all activities will take approximately 12 hours.
Activity 1: Background Readings
Participants will be provided with HealtheSteps® supporting literature and research papers to review prior to engaging in the synchronous session.
Activity 2: eLearning Modules
Upon registration and payment, participants will be provided with access to a series of eLearning modules which provides an overview of HealtheSteps, breaks down the components of each of the activities in the different program sessions. These modules are to be completed prior to the live, virtual training session by the HealtheSteps team.
Activity 3: Live, Virtual Training & Guest Speaker Session
This 4 hour session will occur virtually over Zoom, with a guest speaker with expertise in the field of healthy lifestyle promotion for the second half of the session. This session will consist of the following activities:
1. Welcome & Opening Remarks |
2. HealtheSteps Background/History/Research Overview |
3. Implementing HealtheSteps within Current Workflows |
4. Stretch Break |
5. Guest Speaker |
6. Practice Delivery of a Program Session |
Activity 4: Completion of Assessment/Quiz
Upon completion of the asynchronous and synchronous activities, participants will complete a certification and assessment quiz to assess their knowledge of the program and the different components to be delivered in program sessions.
Activity 5: Evaluation
Participants will be asked to provide feedback through on:
1) Their overall experience with the training
2) How they plan to implement the program and their new knowledge within their practice
3) Keynote speaker
Registration Fee: $130.00/person
Registration Fee (Medical Residents): $65.00/person
Payable online. Refunds can be issued for cancellations up to 5 days prior to the live, virtual training session. Partial refunds will not be provided.
Our next live, virtual session will be in March 28th, 2024 from 3pm – 7pm PST including presentations by:
Dr. Robert Petrella, Department Head (Chair) of the Department of Family Practice at UBC and owner/creator of HealtheSteps®
Guest Speaker: Dr. Wuyou (Yoah) Sui, Adjunct Professor at the School of Kinesiology at Western University presenting on: Sitting & Sedentary Behaviour
Dr. Wuyou (Yoah) Sui is an Adjunct Professor in the School of Kinesiology at Western University. Yoah’s research examines factors that motivate and facilitate physical activity and sedentary behaviour, and how digital technologies influence and support our engagement in these behaviours
Note: The deadline to register for this next session is 5 days prior to the live, virtual session. There are activities to complete beforehand.
Register Today!
Please fill out the contact form below to receive further details for registration. For inquiries, please contact
Note: Access to the resources are only provided after payment for the activity is processed. After completing this form, you will receive an email with further details regarding payment for completing your registration.
UBC CPD Certification Statement
The Division of Continuing Professional Development, University of British Columbia Faculty of Medicine (UBC CPD) is fully accredited by the Continuing Medical Education Accreditation Committee (CACME) to provide CPD credits for physicians. This one-credit-per-hour Assessment program meets the certification criteria of the College of Family Physicians of Canada and has been certified by UBC CPD for up to 12 Mainpro+® credits. Each physician should claim only those credits accrued through participation in the activity. CFPC Session ID: 198901-001