deltoid.pngThe deltoid muscle is a very useful muscle – it is used whenever you move your upper arm. Interestingly, it has three different origins, which means that is working in many different arm movements you do throughout your day. The deltoid does a lot of stopping as well – it helps us avoid dislocating our shoulder by keeping the humerus in the socket when you’re carrying heavy loads. That is why it’s important to make sure these muscles are strong. Try the exercise below, and put the entire muscle to work.


4 exercises_1.jpgStand with your feet shoulder width apart, knees slightly bent, core tight. Holding light dumbbells, soup cans or standing with both feet on a long resistance band, start with your arms straight and down, palms in front and facing your thighs.

4 exercises_2.jpgSlowly raise your arms straight in front of you until your arms are parallel with the ground.

4 exercises_3.jpgPause, and then slowly separate your arms so that you are making a ‘t’ with your body, arms still parallel to the ground.

4 exercises_4.jpgPause again, then slowly lower your arms to your sides, palms facing your sides.

Reverse the motion you just did to complete the exercise.

Start with 5 repetitions.

Once you are comfortable with 5 repetitions, do 2 sets of 5 repetitions, working your way up to 2 sets of 10. Need an extra challenge? Do 3 sets of 10!

Note: make sure the elbow is straight, otherwise you will be working muscles other than your deltoids. Also, keep your core tight and back upright throughout the exercise, and you’ll be toning your core at the same time while avoidin.