Who and what motivates you?

Who and what motivates you?

Why do I feel so energized when watching sports or the next episode of my new favourite Netflix series, yet I feel so unmotivated to get outside for an evening walk? Why do some people appear to be so committed & motivated to achieve their goals while others...
Every Little Step Counts!

Every Little Step Counts!

Every Little “Step” Counts Goal setting focusing on small changes to behaviour are more manageable and more easily maintained long term. These “steps” can mean a variety of things you can do towards leading a healthy lifestyle. It can include taking more physical...
Canadian Diabetes Association Healthy Living Calendar

Canadian Diabetes Association Healthy Living Calendar

Our friends at the Canadian Diabetes Association, the national authority on diabetes prevention and management in Canada, has published their annual Healthy Living Calendar featuring diabetes facts and ways to remain healthy, whether you are already living with the...
Habit Pairing: One Way to Make a New Behaviour Habitual

Habit Pairing: One Way to Make a New Behaviour Habitual

Behaviour change can be challenging, I think we can all empathize with that. What makes something like exercising more or eating healthier especially challenging to change is that it is not a rare or one-time thing (e.g., getting a flu shot), it is a behaviour that...
5 Ways To Be More Physically Active At Work

5 Ways To Be More Physically Active At Work

The workplace is one of the most important settings in which to integrate healthy living behaviors. Although it is generally not feasible to get in any exercise while at work, it is certainly possible to accumulate steps during your time away from home. This is...
Facebook and Health

Facebook and Health

As a technologically conscious team, we have integrated several tech tools into our program to help our participants achieve their goals. More specifically, we have developed an app that allows users to track their exercise, step count, and healthy eating behaviours...